Between 7:25AM to 7:29AM Pacific Time (UTC 2:25PM - 2:29PM) on November 2, 2023, some customers may have experienced intermittent network timeouts when making calls to the SaaSquatch system, resulting in data potentially not being received as expected.
While retries and other reinforcements are in place in the event of these scenarios, not all calls were successful during this time period but we can confirm that the issue has since been resolved.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the brief disruption in service and recommend that customers who saw discrepancies in their logs around this time when sending data to the SaaSquatch system review information within their programs and on their participants for accuracy and send remedial data if needed.
For users that are sending events to the SaaSquatch system and want to ensure that they were/are received with no duplication, we highly recommend incorporating idempotency keys into your setup to support these edge cases if you are not already making use of them: